My recent new achievement : traditional Hakka Yam dish - the "Wu de Ban".
I went over to my mother-in-law's place 3 weeks ago to have hands-on workshop. She was absolutely kind and organised. It was almost like a TV cooking demonstration. She prepared half of the Yam the day before after learning that I was going over, so that she could demonstrate the cooking part to me, ie it was a 2 stage affair. And I had the other half of the yam to learn the dough preparation.
For about 1.5 Kg of yam, it will take about 2.5 hrs on day 1 and about 1 hour in day 2 preparation plus cooking time. Roughly enough to feed 15 persons.
I have cooked the dish twice since then. Managed to satisfy my ever-supportive husband, my children and parents. Very Satisfying... will try to learn the Hakka Yong Tau Foo next....
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